Looking for some glossy icon?

My greatest discovery would be Icon Finder, where you can find a lot of helpful image that would lighten up your powerpoint presentations. Most of the icons have that 3D, glossy look and feel to it, much better than having some random Google Image. Try it out, it’s quite cool!

You know it’s not right when a tiger criess “Help me”…

In support of Tiger Blogfest 2010, I’ve made a lil sketch. It probably doesn’t show so much, of how the tigers are suffering. But perhaps if you did some research about it over the net, you would find some very gruesome facts and figures about these big cats being hunted down like a chicken for … Continue reading

  • Yes, I’ve chosen to start another blog, visit it: http://digitaldudette.blogspot.com/ Will appreciate all feedback on the new blog!